Thursday, March 12, 2009

the worst week of my life. =[

Yeah, as the title says WORST WEEK OF MY LIFE. I know i've said things like that before. This time though it different i mean it. So i'mma make a list thing like everyone else does.

MONDAY; Monday was probably one of the worst out of all of them. It seemed like everyone was against me the whole day, or just people love pissing me off or teasing me for no friggen reason. They say it's because i'm "short", short my fat ass! Usually i would just let it go. This wasn't one of those times. Seriously three strikes and your OUT. There called one, two, and three this time. One was pissing me off saying salhdlasdk was my boyfriend, when he wasn't. Worst of all people believed he was. GROSS! Two, was pretty much doing the same thing, but thinking of me as a uncontrolled animal and needs to be taken care of. Three, i just friggen exploded on him. I shoved him and yelled and screamed. It wasn't like me; i just couldn't take it anymore. My patience doesn't last forever, and to tell you the truth i felt better after saying it. To me i think he deserves it. He was like giving me attitude and being mean to me saying shit for no reason. I like erupted like a volcano. Swore in front of three adults (teachers), at that point i didn't even care who they were, and didn't think they would be my future teachers. Those thoughts were wayyy far back in my mind. The only thing i could think of now was leaving. Joys, and i left, ran outside, surprised some of my friends still at school ran to them and started to breakdown for like the first time in like three years. The weather was strangely like my mood. Snow, rain, cold, and sleet-y.
TUESDAY; the day after the fight, screaming. People been thinking the whole thing was pretty funny. I couldn't blame them i guess? The worst was that people think i went berserk on them for NO reason. I don't do that kind of stuff for no reason; i thought all of you would know that. That was the first time i was ever that pissed, that i had to yell it out, there lucky i didn't hit them in there faces.
WENDSDAY; It was the last time i was going to see Cindy for a while. =[ The only good thing is that i found out that drill competition will be postponed and i'm still on black team. Since it's postponed unarmed exhibition won't need me. I'm relived yet disappointed? I worked hard trying to do my best but in the end i can't compete? OH well always next year...
THURSDAY (TODAY); I pretty much failed my two mandarin quizzes, 53 and a 65. Algebra i got a 60. FML. I've been doing so badly in school. Science fair presentation, ugh! I stutter too much. I can speak in front of people. I always talk too soft, or stutter. So scary! >___< Crystal came over and pigged off of me. I made her noodles and everything! LOL, were so fattt! xP We plan to go to the YMCA soon! So we can work out and lose weight! Gained so much blubber for the winter now to loose it all! >=]

hoping Friday will be better,


  1. aww...what happened? Are you ok?

  2. This will cheer you up much.

  3. yeaaaaaah boyyy! LOL yeah i got a stomach ache.. last for a couple of minutes LOL! it's okay rosemary, we might be in the same mando class next year! yiipppy. =] tracccck MONDAY!!! =)
