Another party/hangout. Hot Damn. So yeah woke up today, ate, got ready. While everyone one was at Pho Hoa, me and Clo-y were still at my place. LOL. We were waiting for Carrie. When Carrie came we left for Emily's. You guys said you were coming! It took them forever to get there! So here we are at Emily's waiting for the rest to arrive while watching Zoey 101. Yeah, were losers. Then after like and episode and a half they finally arrived! Yeah beginning was boring. Emily's dog Coopa (SP?) was raping David, stole Danny's first kiss, and attacking everyone else. LOL! Coopa reminds me of Emily. ahah! So damn energetic, loves everyone, and aggressive a bit. hah. I was reading Seventeen magazine like the whole day. They kept on turning off the lights. So annoying i couldn't get my reading done! HMPH! :[ So we were like having fun playing around in the dark. Whoopee! I took like 389403 pictures. The flash on my camera was mad bright. LOL. BLINDING! I'll uplod them later when i have time i guess. Wilson and David were jamming out. ahaha! Then we played the chubby bunny game. Eric Tan is the overall winner and the winner for the boys. David and Wilson tied for second for boys. I won first for girls overall! BWAHAH! (: I have such a big mouth. =[ Then the guys went out to play man hunt. I stayed in the house... watching POKEMON! There was a friggen marathon on it! Who couldn't resists! I mean come on! Pikachu is a cutie! LMAO! Then everyone left for Quiznos. They have good subs. I still need to pay Clo back later before she leaves. =O Gottah remind me! Then we left at like 10-ish. Then we had to go to CVS. Clo and i had to go back to the car like 948 times, cause we didn't get the right thing or found the CVS card. LOL! AND AND BLACK PEOPLE THERE WERE SCARY (NOT HATING OR BEING RACIST). LOL.
And there's a party at Danny's tomorrow. Another one LOL. Damn i wonder how i'm not partied out yet. LAWL. So that's it for today i guess.
Nuff energy to party more,
haha partayy animal!