Sunday, February 15, 2009

Partying the Night Away...

So now that Clo-y is back. We've been partying non-stop for the past two days! Not coming home until like midnight and all that jazz.
Party uno, Location: Eric's House.
Lalalala. It was really fun. LOL. DDRing with MINH! hehe! Singstaring, eating cake the ghetto way, people running to CVS and back for food, also K.F.C, our loser-ish ways of trying to tell scary stories. ME AND WILSON TIED IN SINGSTAR! SONG IS MAKES ME WONDER! LMAO! NEVER GOING TO FORGET IT! Lots of flowers and gift for Clo-y. ahaha the usual.
Party dos, Location: Jeffrey's house.
Started off boring i admit. Then everything went crazy. David, Wilson, and Jeffrey dancing. More singstaring, dancing, lap dances, man hunt, camera wars. ALLL THAT GOOD STUFF. No food though. So effin hungry right now. All i got was an oreo from Jeffrey and Wilson drank my coke. -__- GGed. :[ Also Danny and Anna painted my nail... HORRIBLY! I needa find some nail polish remover. I would take a picture but my camera is being gay. So sucks for you guys. Unless you see me soon before it goes away? OR you can pray that i don't find the nail polish remover tonight.
So now at home... eating. TIRED. Looking for more food. ahah such a fatass. Showering soon. Another party tomorrow? Brandon Giang's LATE birthday party? GEEZS. You guys weren't kiding when you said we were going to party trough the whole vacation. I NEED TO START SCIENCE FAIR. I hate feeling nerdy and needing to do these things. Sucks asss. Also SHIRLEY GAO GAO! Get better soon! LOSERFACE! <3

Catch you later,


  1. LOl they didn't paint it that bad..theres always nail polish remover..

  2. i want to see your fingernails rosemary!! dont listen to joanne, show me first (:
