Don't you just hate the gut feeling of thinking someone is trying to avoid you, ignore you, or just plain hating you. Yeah, that's how i've been feeling for like the past two weeks and it feels a lot longer. What i hate about it most is that, that someone means a lot to me too. Like even though everyone else is always saying hello to me when they see me and i reply with the usual greet right back, i just can't help but feel invisible. I guess we'll call this person "SNOW". Yeah, i know weird codename but you guys get the idea? So i really don't know what happened between us. Sure, we never really talked a lot. I met snow at like the first semester of school. Snow would usually walk me to a class, unless __ got up late. Snow would wait for me while i was packing for my next classes, we were always late for class. haha sucked. Then it just stopped after February vacation. I don't know what happened but i kinda get the feeling it's my fault. I wish i knew what happened, so i can find a way to fix it. Even when i see snow in the hallways i look, and snow like lowers __ head if __ sees me. It's really weird and hurtful i guess? I said hi to snow like last week __ acknowledged that? I just really don't know what to do, sadly. I wish we were back to what we were before. The only thing i think i could do now is get over it, ignore it, and pray that in a few months everything will be back to normal between us. I guess i lost another one eh? Life, just sucks. But what i hate is that this would affect me so much and i'm angry at myself for it letting it get to me. I just don't know why but, it just hurts.. a lot. So i guess all i can do now is that i have to hope for the best. Or hope that i can get over this soon and forget it, though i hope that i don't have to go to that option.
i like snow =)
ReplyDeleteGirl. Now you know how feel with everyone all of the time. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteaWWwWWWWWwwwW ITS OKAY ROSEMARY. all u need is me =]
ReplyDeleteLOL. grace of course. (=
ReplyDelete:o i remember grace saying, all you need is me to me! >=[ LOL
ReplyDeleteLOL. niceee.